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Ants Ainson

Ants Ainson graduated University of Tartu in 1992 and was certified as a notary in 2001.



Deposit accounts of Ants Ainson, a notary in Tallinn area:


ACCOUNT HOLDER: notar Ants Ainson

To be marked in the description: address of the object, date and time of the transaction.

The funds must be deposited to the notarial account before the beginning of the transation. The holder of the account from which the funds were transferred must participate in the transaction!


Notary trust account/deposit account  Swedbank

Bank account number: EE 0522 0022 101 7831 083  SWIFT: HABAEE2X

Notary trust account/deposit account SEB pank

Bank account number: EE 1210 1001 015 1923 016 SWIFT: EEUHEE2X


Notary trust account/deposit account LHV Pank

Bank account number: EE207700771000639519 SWIFT: LHVBEE22 

Notary trust account/deposit account Coop Pank

Bank account number: EE804204278627520908 SWIFT: EKRDEE22

Maive Ottase, Sirje Velsbergi ja Ants Ainsoni Notaribüroo / Telefon: +372 6612 408 / E-post:

Notaribüroo avatud tööpäevadel kell 9-17 / Rävala pst 2 / Kivisilla 8 - IV korrus, 10145 Tallinn, Harjumaa 

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